Great hunting dogs, great companion dogs, great assistance dogs … The Golden Retriever has many strings on its bow, all of which make it a very popular dog for the family. His obedient and kind personality, and his cheerfulness, contributed greatly to his popularity.
A little history
Little is known about the origin of the Golden Retriever. For some experts, this breed is especially a descendant of the Caucasian dog that gave birth to Leonberg. However, the most common papers today are those of the Tweed Water Spaniel and the yellow wavy coating cloth. Other breeds also participated in the development of the Golden Retriever, with contributions from Irish Setter and St. John dogs. The paternity of the Golden Retriever belongs to England anyway.
The first specimen was exhibited in 1909 and created a sensation thanks to the golden fur that gave it its name. The Golden Retriever is originally a retriever dog used for hunting to recover injured or dead games. In France, the Golden Retriever arrived in 1925, but its success gained momentum, especially after World War II. Since the 1980s, the demand for golden retrievers has exploded and success has always been there. This breed has been recognized by the International Federation of Dogs and Dogs since 1954.
Physical characteristics
Golden retrievers are large dogs and, according to the FCI nomenclature, belong to group n ° 8: game retriever dogs – game retriever dogs – water dogs. He is wearing number 111.
Males are slightly larger than females, 56-61 cm in size compared to 51-56 cm. In terms of body weight, male golden retrievers weigh 28-32 kg and female golden retrievers weigh 24-28 kg.
The physical characteristics of golden retriever puppies for sale near me are vary by type (US, English, Canada). The English type is the most popular in France.
Body: The large dog Golden Retriever has a strong and well-balanced body with harmonious curves.
- Head: The head is wide and well carved. The nose is black and has a clear stop.
- Ears: They are hanging, medium-sized, and triangular. They are mounted at eye level.
- Eyes: The edges of the eyelids are very dark and the color is dark brown.
- Tail: It is carried at back level, but should not be rolled up. She reaches the hock.
- Hair: Hair is long, wavy, flat and feathery. This dog has a tight and weatherproof undercoat.
- Color: Golden retrievers are golden by definition, but there are several shades, from creamy white to Siena. Note, Golden Retrievers should not be white. Also, it cannot be mahogany or black. Colors other than those allowed by default are excluded.
Golden retriever characters are well known for being cheerful, obedient, and kind. He is a very loyal dog, obedient when well educated, and very kind to children and the elderly. Lacking aggression, he is doing well with his homologue. All its qualities make it an excellent guide dog and assistance dog.
The Golden Retriever is very close to his family and he hardly admits loneliness. It’s sporty, but I’m happy to follow you on jogging, hiking, biking, mountains and beaches. He also enjoys participating in dog activities such as obedience and agility. Originally not a guard dog, it can be protected depending on the situation. He can tolerate other animals if properly socialized from an early age. He remains a hunting dog and has a fairly developed predatory instinct.
Behavior with others
This sociable and affectionate dog also makes great friends with his kind and patient children. Of course, despite all, it is advisable not to leave the infant with the dog to avoid the risk of accidents. Golden retrievers also know how to avoid sudden situations that can hurt older people. If your Golden Retriever puppy is used to it from an early age, you can live with other pets. However, it is safer not to leave cats and new pets, especially rodents, with golden retrievers, as they are definitely considered prey.
The Golden Retriever is very suitable for all types of families as long as his master has the time and energy to devote to him. This dog is especially grateful to the sporty masters and is ready to exercise with them.
Although golden retrievers are generally in good health, this variety is still affected by certain hereditary diseases. Like many large breeds, golden retrievers are prone to hip dysplasia, and joint disease can significantly impair the mobility of dogs. To protect yourself, be sure to choose your breeding well and make sure your parents are not affected by this disorder. Also, to avoid the development of serious joint problems, do not overburden your Golden Retriever puppy before it finishes growing. Unfortunately, like Flat-Coated Retrievers, this variety is susceptible to cancer and eye diseases. Finally, golden retrievers can suffer from skin problems such as dermatitis and allergies.