Living in the era of high technology has become easier. Thanks to advances in science and technology and new inventions, we make our lives easier and save time every day. With the push of a single on/off button on our household and office appliances, we solve tasks that previously required a huge amount of effort.
It would be good if by pushing such a button we could increase an employee’s loyalty to the business he or she is engaged in. Then managers would easily get rid of employee turnover and would be able to regulate the number of people devoted to the company.
But in reality it is much harder to win the love of employees. For businessmen and HR-specialists, this requires constant attention to the staff motivation system. And it is important to take the right and precise steps that will allow you to successfully go the way of “winning the love” of your employees.
Step 1: “Love at first sight”. A lot depends on a new employee’s first impression of the company. How was he greeted? How supportive was he during the adaptation period? The first day of work can be compared to a first date: everything must be perfect – the workplace, the necessary documents, clearly defined tasks for the probationary period, rules about staff’s computer usage.
An important factor is how prepared your team is for the new employee? When hiring someone, let your colleagues know ahead of time what functions they will perform and how their work will affect their overall performance.
A number of advanced companies practice special, clearly defined activities on adaptation of a new specialist, which are assigned to persons who are responsible for the efficiency of this process.
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Getting used to the workplace does not happen overnight. Moreover, it is different for each individual and it is important to look for a personal approach to everyone who starts working for you. And this requires time and consistency of planned activities. Remember, the probationary period is for the manager to get acquainted with the new employee so that he or she can have a look at the company from the inside.
Step 2: “You and I are of the same blood”. It is very important that employees feel like members of a single team, one unit. Both serious team-building events – trainings, team-building (ropes course), focus groups and brainstorming sessions, as well as informal communication, for example, at corporate parties, during joint leisure time, are necessary to form the corporate spirit of the company. All sorts of competitions and contests can also be organized.
The main thing that the manager should always remember is that all these activities have a common goal and it should be achieved by joint efforts.
Step 3: “My employees are my wealth”. This postulate plays a major role in building a system of staff development, training and career development.
Investments in employees will return to the company with good dividends. To do this, you need to formulate a strategy for the development of your team. This will allow you to allocate your resources correctly, and employees will have an understanding of what they need to strive for.
In order to train staff or enhance the skills of an individual, you can either bring in an ‘external’ trainer or hire a staff development specialist to identify training needs as well as organise the process itself.
Initially it may seem that the cost of training is quite high, but in conditions of shortage of specialists and managers in the labor market, staff training is the necessary motivating factor that increases loyalty to the company.
Step 4: “Love is not for sale”. A decent salary is undoubtedly very important, but it is worth remembering that your employees will definitely appreciate the attention and care provided by the company. Organizing lunches, delivery by company transport, payment for trips or a corporate fitness center membership – all this will have a positive impact on employees’ attitude towards their work and the organization as a whole.
Step 5: “Knock and you will be opened. Try to institute an “open door” policy in the company, which is to ensure that the supervisor is always available to subordinates. Arrange meetings between the manager and the team or create a publicly available schedule for face-to-face meetings with the company’s employees. It is very important for employees to understand that they are not pawns in someone else’s game, but are part of the core team. Allow people to speak their minds without feeling that initiative is punishable and to influence the company’s development through communication with management.
Step 6: “It’s my way with you. Formulate and communicate the company’s mission clearly to your team, but not just for the sake of a tick, so that for the sake of this idea people actually get up early in the morning and fly to work like on the wings of love. Numerous studies have proved that the main condition for effective work is the coincidence of personal goals of employees with the goals of the company.
Step 7: Love your employees and then you won’t need a “love switch”! Read more about: pagalworld
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