The American Veterinary Medical Association reports that there are 48,255,413 households owning a dog. And if you’re one of those dog owners, you know that the relationship between you and your dog is one of a kind.
It’s not just that you love them like family or even more than family. It’s that they help keep us sane. From their warm snuggles to the way they calm us down when we’re stressed out about work, dogs really do make the world go round.
But what if you are told that there is an illness out there that could put an end to all of that? What if it had been around for over 30 years and was still almost completely unknown by most people? Well, this disease does exist. It’s called canine parvovirus. And yes, it could cost your beloved pup their life.
What Is Canine Parvovirus?
According to the College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University, canine parvovirus is a highly contagious viral disease that mostly affects pups between six to twenty weeks old.
It primarily attacks the gastrointestinal tract but can also cause systemic infection in mammals. A dog becomes infected when he or she comes into contact with an infected dog’s feces or another contaminated surface, including the ground, other dogs’ fur, and even your shoes.
The virus replicates in the intestines of an infected animal and then spreads throughout the body via blood plasma to organs like the lungs and heart. This causes damage as well as death if left untreated. Therefore, if you suspect that your dog has caught this virus, you should immediately contact your vet.
The American Kennel Club states that the survival rate of dogs treated through veterinary-prescribed medication is 68 to 92 percent. This is huge, considering the fact that canine parvovirus is quite a fatal disease.
Therefore, you need to get the right medicine from the most trusted brands through online pet stores like PetCareRx. Stores like PetCareRx not only fulfill your need for the medicine but also make sure that the prescription is correct by rechecking it with your vet.
How Can You Tell If Your Dog Has Parvo?
If your dog has a fever, lethargy, and vomiting, then it’s likely that he has parvovirus. However, there are also other possible explanations for these symptoms. For example, a mild case of distemper could also cause similar symptoms to parvo.
If you suspect your dog might have either Parvovirus or Distemper, it’s important to get them checked out by the vet as soon as possible. This way, they can be given appropriate treatment, and the chance of survival is increased.
Dog Parvo Diagnosis
Your vet will need to conduct a blood test to diagnose canine parvovirus. In addition, they may run urine tests and stool samples to check for signs of infection. Lab tests can also be used to detect the virus in both dogs and their environments. In some cases, X-rays may be necessary if your dog has other illnesses or injuries that would prevent proper diagnosis without one.
What Are the Symptoms of Parvo?
It is important to remember that the symptoms of parvo are very similar to other viral infections. You should also be aware that any dog can get infected with parvovirus, even if they have been vaccinated or previously had a mild case of the virus. Symptoms may vary depending on the age of your dog.
Puppies under one month old will show no signs at all. Young dogs between one and six months old may show some symptoms of fever, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and lethargy. But these symptoms are often milder than those seen in older dogs. Adult dogs may display fever, vomiting, and diarrhea, which can be bloody, as well as lethargy at an advanced stage.
How Do You Treat Parvo?
The first step in treating parvo is to get your dog to the vet as soon as possible. The sooner you can start treatment, the more likely it is that your dog will survive. It’s also important to remember that other treatments are available besides hospitalization: homeopathic remedies and natural antibiotics are worth exploring if you want to avoid taking your dog to a veterinary hospital.
In addition to standard veterinary care with intravenous fluids and antibiotics, supportive care may be necessary as well. This includes special diets, exercise routines, and managing pain levels if applicable. You should also enrich their meals with dietary supplements. There are a variety of supplements available in the market. You only need to carefully browse pet supplies stores like PetCareRx to find the right product for your dog.
Canine Parvovirus Prevention
You might think that an illness like canine parvovirus could be avoided entirely, but the reality is that there is no way to completely avoid this disease. However, if you take certain precautions, you can greatly decrease your dog’s risk of contracting parvo. The first step in preventing this deadly virus is simple. Vaccinate your dog.
Another important part of preventing canine parvovirus includes avoiding infected dogs as much as possible. This means keeping your dog away from other dogs at the park or any other place where they might be exposed to feces or water bowls.
It’s also important not to let any other animals near your puppy while they’re still young or unvaccinated. Puppies younger than 8 weeks should never interact with another animal without a parent present. They’re most susceptible during this period and are more likely to pick up infections such as distemper and parvo.
If you want to give your pet additional protection against this serious illness, talk with your veterinarian about getting some kind of intestinal parasite medication like Nexgard or Bravecto, or Heartgard Plus.
These medications are easily available in online stores like PetCareRx. They help protect against intestinal parasites that can carry the parvovirus around in their bodies. This reduces your dog’s chances of getting sick even if they do come into contact with infected feces or vomit from another animal who has been infected with parvovirus.
If your dog is thought to have canine parvovirus, you should seek treatment immediately. The sooner treatment begins, the better chance of recovery from parvo. This highly contagious disease is fatal if left untreated and can be spread through contact with infected feces or by consuming contaminated food or water.